

This website is powered by Joomla and a custom extension called JSPORTS. JSports was custom developed for the Southwest Illinois Baseball League. The code itself is open source and available for download at Github.  So why use JSports vs. platforms like SportsEngine, Team Snap, etc.?  The primary reason was cost and greater control over functionality.  Platforms like Sports engine tend to bill based on the number of teams in the league.  In case of SWIBL, they typically have 140+ teams each year and that becomes a very expensive solution especially when you play them each year.  In addition, most cloud based services like Sports Engine require a centralized administrator to enter and maintain the data.  In the SWIBL model, much of the responsibility is left up to the teams/coaches to manage.   Platforms like Sports Engine also are geared to leagues who manage the schedules for the fields that teams play.  JSports does NOT come close to supporting scheduling capabilities like these other platforms because all of the scheduling of the fields is left to the teams and their respective Parks and Rec department.

Some of the high-level functions supported include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Team profile and statistics can be carried over season after season.
  • Multiple users can be granted permission to edit/maintain team profiles.
  • Online registration.
  • Cross-divisional play.
  • Roster management (both staff/players).
  • Near real-time standings.
  • Team managers/coaches are responsible for entering game schedules, rosters, team profile information, etc.


For more information, please email Chris at



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