We are happy to introduce the new SWIBL Community Forums that will enable coaches/parents to share information/content related to our league.   Our forums are completely separate from our main site at SWIBL.ORG and will be accessible from the main menu.  This means everyone will need their own login credentials on the forums to post content.   Your login credentials for SWIBL.ORG will NOT work on the forum site.   If you already have login credentials for swibl.org, you will need a new/separate login for our forums.  

Our SWIBL teams are encouraged to post tournament offerings, try out information, etc. in our forums.  We feel this will be one of the easiest ways for SWIBL to get information out to parents about team openings and tryout information.

NOTE:  SWIBL reserves the right to REMOVE ANY content posted in our forums.

Any questions related to this new feature may be directed to the league via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Special THANKS to our sponsors!